Happy Chinese New Year 2025

新年快乐 蛇年 金蛇送瑞,欢乐相随! 普威伦团队祝愿您,2025年幸福绵长、身体安康!

season’s greetings 2024

season’s greetings jump into the new year jump into the new year The new year is coming.It promises to be a year of many challenges and opportunities.Not only economically, but also ecologically. While we can’t predict exactly what lies ahead, here at Proviron, we’re jumping into a bright new year with confidence. Our teams are eager to […]

around the world in 45 days

proviron, around the world in 45 days

our journey of 45 years of chemistry proviron, around the world in 45 days On March 7, 1977, Leo Michiels founded Proviron. Four-and-a-half decades later, Proviron is an established name in the chemical sector. Through a strategy of specialization and sustainable development, we have grown into a reliable supplier with an impeccable reputation for flexibility […]

seasons greetings 2021

seasons greetings from PROVIRON

proviplast provichem animal health proviflow provifrost tolling microalgae a warm heart for all from proviron click on the booths for more season’s greetings proviplast provichem animal health proviflow provifrost tolling microalgae a warm heart for all from proviron zoom in on the booths and tap for more season’s greetings That’s the way we think at […]
